Thursday, March 14, 2013



The Environmental Laws of the Philippines is designated by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). They had many Acts that have been assigned as a law. The Pollution Control Law P.D. 984 consists of the Clean Air Act of 1999 R.A. 8749 DAO 2000-81, Clean Water Act of 2004 R.A. 9275 DAO 2005-10, Ecological Waste Management Act of 2000 R.A. 9003 DAO 2001-34, and the Toxic Substances & Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Act of 1990 R.A. 6969.

The Clean Air Act of 1999 R.A. 8749 DAO 2000-81 is a comprehensive policy and program for air quality management in the country. The DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-81 is the Implementing Rules and Regulations of this Act. This act is important because it is evident today that the pollution in our atmosphere is very severe. The pollution should be regulated and controlled. So they have made rules that all sources of air pollution must have a valid Permit-to-Operate. All proposed or planned construction or modification of sources that has the potential to emit100 tons per year or more of any of the regulated pollutants are required to have an approvedAuthority to Construct before implementation, for purposes of sampling, planning, research and other similar purposes. The DENR-EMB, may issue a Temporary Permit-to-Operate not to exceed ninety (90) days, provided that theapplicant has pending application for Permit-to-Operate. Permit-to-Operate is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance unless sooner suspendedor revoked and must be renewed thirty (30) days before the expiration date and upon paymentor the required fees and compliance with requirements, in case of sale or legal transfer of a facility covered by a permit, the permittee shall notify the DENR-EMB within thirty (30) days from the date of sale or transfer. The owner or the Pollution Control Officer shall keep a record of the operation of the sourcesand shall furnish a copy to the DENR-EMB in a quarterly basis. Right of Entry, Inspection and Testing by the authorized representative of DENR-EMB.

Clean Water Act of 2004 R.A. 9275 DAO 2005-10 was also done by DENR. They have also done rules to permit for discharging wastewater such that for industries without any discharge permit is given a period of twelve (12) months after the effectivity of the IRR, DAO 2005-10 dated May 16, 2005, to secure a discharge permit. Pollution sources currently discharging to existing sewerage system with operational wastewater treatment facilities shall be exempt from the permit requirement. The discharge permit is valid for a maximum period of five (5) years from the date of its issuance and must be renewed 30 days before expiration. The self-monitoring report shall be submitted to the Regional Offices within fifteen (15) calendar days after the end of each quarter.

Ecological Waste Management Act of 2000 R.A. 9003 DAO 2001-34 also has been done as a law because of the waste that is so much evident. Even in the streets, we can see people throwing their garbage anywhere causing too much flood when rain comes in our country. RA 9003 institute measures to promote a more acceptable system which corresponds to the vision of sustainable development. Generally, it aims to merge environmental protection with economic pursuits, recognizing the re-orientation of the community’s view on solid waste, thereby providing schemes for waste minimization, volume reduction, resource recovery utilization and disposal.

 Toxic Substances & Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Act of 1990 R.A. 6969 is another law that has been passed. This is for industries having heavy loads of toxic and hazardous chemicals that can be harmful to the society. This act will regulate, limit, and prohibit importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, and use, and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk to public health and environment. It will prohibit the entry and disposal of hazardous wastes into the Philippines territorial limits. It will also advance and facilitate research on toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes.


Our world is made up four layers, namely the inner core, outer core, mantle, and the crust. The earth’s lithosphere comprises the crust, where the living organisms can be found. The earth’s crust is not entirely a solid state. It is made of tectonic plates attached together side by side. The side of one tectonic plate is partly on top of another tectonic plate. That is how the earth’s crust looks like. The movements of the tectonic plates are responsible for the earthquakes, tsunamis, the creation of volcanoes and mountains. There is a scientific explanation beyond all the things that we see and touch in this world.

As one tectonic plate that is under of another tectonic plate moves, that plate moves down into the mantle only by centimeters in a year. That small movement creates a huge impact on the land where we live in. that impact is what we call earthquakes. It destroys many structures in the land and kills many people. Earthquakes under the sea create tsunami, resulting huge tidal waves in to the lands. It creates huge current that fill flow towards the land. Movement of tectonic plates also creates mountains.

The land on the plate on top of another plate creates mountains. Volcanoes are also created. But where does the magma from the volcanoes came from? As the tectonic plate moves and one goes down of the other, it creates pressure underneath, at the upper mantle. The upper mantle consists of hot liquid hat has convection current circulating. As pressure rises, the magma will go up and finds a soft spot in the land and creates a volcano.

The world we live in is very complicated as we cannot see. We don’t know that one day, a big impact on our crust will suddenly happen. We should be ready to face that challenge and live our life as it seems to be our last. 



Water is a main source of life aside from the light coming from the sun. Every creature and living organisms in this planet needs water in order to live and survive. But where does water come from? Water is already present when man was created. When we look in a world map or globe, you’ll see that the biggest part of the earth is water. Seventy percent (70%) of earth is water. Primarily, it came from the oceans. People do not get their supply of water from the ocean because it is too salty. When a person drinks salt water, he becomes thirstier. Water that we drink comes from the dams that humans created. The water in the dams will be processed and be supplied to every city that needs water. 

The water in the land is not directly come from the ocean. The water we have in the land comes from what we call the hydrological cycle or in simpler term, water cycle. The water from the ocean evaporates in the air. As the water evaporates, it condenses and forms clouds. Clouds are formation of water vapors in the air. Later, the water inside the clouds will drop in to the land and sea; this is what we call precipitation. As it precipitates, water will scatter in the land and some will infiltrate in the soils. Others will flow in to bodies of water such as lakes, bay, and streams. And later on, it will evaporate again. This cycle will continue endlessly. This is how we get our water in the land.

So you think, we have infinite supply of water because of the cycle? I don’t think so. The water that humans, animals, and plants drink will not be part of the cycle anymore. Not all types of water are compatible to our lives. Salt, contaminated, and waste water is not for humans, and other living creatures. The water we should get must be safe to be used. Safe meaning that the water must be free from any kind of toxic contamination that can be harmful to human and other living organisms. This is why we have limited supply of water. Water should be properly used and not wasting it. Supplying safe water to urban and rural areas is not easy and it needs big amount of money and labor for it to be continually being supplied. 

Imagine that there is only a little supply of water because of the water that is wasted and not being used properly, water will be in scarce. People also should not throw their wastes and garbage to any kind of flowing water because that water can still be used for other purposes. Waste water is not good for agriculture and especially to humans in the cities. Humans cannot live only with food. Humans can live in water alone. Water is one of the basic necessities of life. It should be conserved because in the future, if people continue to not conserve water, it will be in scarce because of limited supply and allocation.